Inclusive Alliance Blog

Recognizing Poverty in CNY During National Poverty Awareness Month

Written by Inclusive Alliance | Jan 31, 2024 4:17:31 PM



In recognition of National Poverty in America Awareness Month, Inclusive Alliance is dedicated to highlighting the multifaceted challenges of poverty, with a special focus on our community here in Central New York. Despite the stark realities of food insecurity and its detrimental health impacts, there's a ray of hope with the recent CMS approval of the New York State (NYS) 1115 Waiver. This development marks a significant step towards better health care access and quality for our most vulnerable populations.

Understanding the NYS 1115 Waiver
The NYS Department of Health (DOH) 1115 Waiver is a crucial federal-state partnership that allows New York State to revolutionize its Medicaid program and maximize its beneficial impact in the community. This waiver is not just a policy adjustment; it's a commitment to enhanced, holistic healthcare for Medicaid recipients that recognizes healthcare begins in home and community-based settings where people live every day, not just in medical settings. It supports improved access to comprehensive healthcare through coordinated community efforts, enhanced access to evidence-based programs aimed at addressing health related social needs, and greater opportunity for both medical and social care providers to engage in value-based payment arrangements with managed care organizations.

This initiative is pivotal in improving access to care, enhancing the quality of care, and reducing healthcare costs. It also grants New York the flexibility to implement innovative programs tailored to meet the specific health and social care needs of its diverse population.

Inclusive Alliance’s Role in Central New York
At Inclusive Alliance, we recognize the potential of the NYS 1115 Waiver to transform lives in Central New York, especially for those grappling with poverty and its consequences. We are actively collaborating with community-based organizations to ensure that the benefits of this waiver reach the people who need them most. Our focus is not just on providing immediate relief but on fostering long-term, sustainable improvements in health equity and quality of life.

Our efforts are particularly crucial in light of the recent findings from the State Health Department Report On Food Insecurity Among Adults. Counties outside of New York City with the highest percentage of adults who experience food insecurity are Herkimer (28.8 percent) and Oswego (26.2 percent). Food insecurity is a significant indicator of poverty, and it's directly linked to numerous health issues, including chronic diseases.

Resources and Opportunities for Engagement
As we observe National Poverty in America Awareness Month, let's remember that our actions can create ripples of positive change. The 1115 Waiver provides us with a tool to reimagine and reshape the healthcare landscape for those in need. Inclusive Alliance is committed to leveraging this opportunity to support our Central New York community of residents and community-based organizations in reducing health disparities and living healthier, more fulfilling lives.

  • Learn More About the 1115 Waiver: Understand how this policy impacts healthcare in our community.
  • Stay Informed About Local Health Issues:  of the latest developments in healthcare and poverty alleviation in Central New York. Being informed enables you to make a meaningful contribution to community discussions and initiatives.
  • Get Involved in our Social Care Network: Are you interested in helping to shape Inclusive Alliance's social care network? Complete this form for an opportunity to contribute and collaborate in our community's future.

Inclusive Alliance is proud to be part of this transformative journey towards a healthier, more equitable Central New York. The approval of the NYS 1115 Waiver is a significant milestone, but the path ahead requires collective effort and unwavering commitment. This National Poverty in America Awareness Month, let's unite in our efforts to create a community where everyone has access to the resources they need for a healthy and prosperous life.